Morgan Sindall Construction Fundraiser

0% Raised

Each year, Morgan Sindall Construction offices select a "Charity of the Year" to support, and this year in the Ipswich office we are proud to support FIND. They are dedicated to providing local communities with access to food and support.

Families in Need (FIND) Ipswich have offered a lifeline to people in Ipswich and the surrounding areas who are experiencing poverty and despair.

They provide food parcels including personal care items to help those who are struggling.  They also help out with furniture, bedding and other house hold items where a person or family have none.

Their army of volunteers regularly give their time to check and sort the donated food and ensure they are delivered.

By supporting FIND, you are making an enormous difference in the lives of those who need it most. Your donation will directly contribute to their incredible work in our community.

If you would like to see more about what FIND please visit their website below.

FIND - Families in Need | Food Bank Ipswich (

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Morgan Sindall's fundraising page will be accepting donations for another 54 days.

Morgan Sindall's fundraising stats
Online donations: £0.00
Match funding: £0.00
Raised offline: £0.00
Gift Aid: £0.00
Total raised: £0.00
Morgan Sindall is fundraising for FIND (Families in Need) Ltd

Emergency assistance to families and individuals
Find out more about the charity



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